Meet the Authors

How do you pronounce your names?
Himmele rhymes with simile (that figure of speech that compares things using the words "like" or "as".)
Pérsida is pronounced Payr-see-duh.
William rhymes with Trillium (tee-hee). He likes to be called Bill.

William Himmele, Ph.D.
Dr. William Himmele is a Professor at Millersville University in southeastern Pennsylvania. He has served as an ESL teacher and a Speech Pathologist, a higher education administrator, an international consultant and a speaker on issues related to increasing student engagement in K-12 and university classrooms throughout various countries in Africa, Asia, North and South America, as well as various islands and island nations in the South Pacific, the Caribbean, and the Atlantic.
He and his wife, Pérsida, are the authors of several books, articles, and resources, including the ASCD bestselling book, Total Participation Techniques: Making every student an active learner, as well as the accompanying video. They have also written five additional books, including the ASCD books, The Language-Rich Classroom: A research-based framework for teaching English language learners, and Total Literacy Techniques: Tools to help students analyze literature and informational texts.

Pérsida Himmele, Ph.D
Dr. Pérsida Himmele is a Professor in the education department at Millersville University. She has been an elementary and middle school teacher in bilingual and multilingual classrooms and a district administrator serving ELL students in a high-incidence district. She has also been a national and international consultant for effective instructional techniques in K-12 and university classrooms throughout various countries in Africa, Asia, North and South America, as well as islands in the South Pacific and the Caribbean.
She and her husband, William, are the authors of several books, articles, and resources, including the ASCD bestselling book, Total Participation Techniques: Making every student an active learner, as well as the accompanying video. They have also written five additional books, including the ASCD books, The Language-Rich Classroom: A research-based framework for teaching English language learners, and Total Literacy Techniques: Tools to help students analyze literature and informational texts.