Global Professional
Development Partnerships
K-12 Educator & University Faculty Workshops

Video: 3-Day Kabarak University (Kenya) Professional Development on using Total Participation Techniques in the College Classroom, with over 300 faculty from the Schools of Business & Economics, Education & Social Sciences, Law, Medicine & Health Sciences, Music, Pharmacy, and Engineering.
Every year, we participate in at least one Total Participation Techniques professional development project that includes fee-waived presentations and consultations to staff, faculty, and administrative teams in a country addressed by The World Bank's report, Learning to Realize Education's Promise.
If you would like to be considered for an upcoming project, please scroll to the bottom of this page for information on how to propose a project.
Picture: PD participants in Zambia

The World Bank report, Learning to Realize Education's Promise, explores the challenges associated with fewer professional development options and delayed opportunities for student learning. Many of the problems highlighted in this report are issues for which Total Participation Techniques are particularly relevant. Some quotes from the World Bank report are as follows:
“Teachers tend to teach to the most advanced students in the class… When the teachers solicit answers from the student, the high performers are the most likely to volunteer them” (pp. 133-134).
“Poor children learn the least, which hurts them the most.” (Topic- Chapter 3)
Total Participation Techniques look at accelerating learning for all children through engaging and consistent checks for understanding and access to critical thinking. It’s a natural fit for addressing the learning crisis in any classroom.
(Note: We are not affiliated with The World Bank or the writers of this report.)

Providing 51 easy-to-use alternatives to the traditional teaching approaches, such as lecture and question & answer style teaching, that cause so many students to tune out-or even drop out. Total Participation Techniques presents practical ways to engage students in active learning. Note: this book is an ASCD best seller.
Picture: PD participants in Zambia

Picture: PD participants in Zambia

This Quick Reference Guide provides a simple 5-part framework for supporting learners as they learn both a target language and academic content in that target language. The content of this QRG is based on our book, The Language-Rich Classroom.

This book presents a 5-part, research-based framework-CHATS-that teachers can use to help ELLs, as well as other students, attain greater academic language and deeper content comprehension. This field-tested framework provides teachers with ideas regarding content reading strategies, higher-order thinking skills, assessment tools, total participation techniques, and scaffolding strategies.

Picture: PD participants in Zambia