Professional Development Information
We offer 1 or 2 day presentations or consultations to K-12 and university staff, faculty, and administrators that are based on our books and tailored toward your needs

Providing 51 easy-to-use alternatives to the "stand and deliver" approach to teaching that causes so many students to tune out-or even drop out, Total Participation Techniques presents practical ways to engage students in active learning. Note: this book is an ASCD best seller.

This book presents over 50 tools and techniques for helping students analyze literature and informational texts while they build their academic language. Whereas the Total Participation Techniques book is ideal for K-12 (and university) teachers, this book is ideal for Grade 3-12 ELA and Social Studies teachers.

This book presents a 5-part, research-based framework-CHATS-that teachers can use to help ELLs, as well as other students, attain greater academic language and deeper content comprehension. This field-tested framework provides teachers with ideas regarding content reading strategies, higher-order thinking skills, assessment tools, total participation techniques, and scaffolding strategies.

These books present brief treaments on a critically important topic. The presentation presents a sampling of several of the Himmele books, with a special emphasis on language acquisition, ELL programming, and why Total Participation Techniques (TPTs) are essential for bridging a persistent achievement gap.
Please email us directly for speaking fees and information about hosting a presentation.
(languagerich at gmail dot com)